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michiel | 14 years ago | 16 comments | 5 likes | 12.6K views

erikger, tmsindhoo, leglaude and 2 others like this!

In response to SamSaam's question, here's a simple show demonstrating how you can create an analog clock in BluffTitler.

Download media files (15.5 KB)

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Very very GOOD! THX!

LostBoyz, 14 years ago

Wow........ Thanks Michiel

SamSaam, 14 years ago

Hi Michiel

That's very nice! I am looking at a countdown clock displaying the Days : Hours : Minutes : Seconds counting down to a future date in time. Would you be able to help me?


pospinolim, 14 years ago

Nice fx!!!!!!!!

vincent, 14 years ago

Tell me, please. How to make a countdown? For example, in this project

Bragina, 13 years ago

You can use the countdown code in the textbox:

michiel, 13 years ago

hi michiel,
the hours hand moves only when the minutes hand reaches full at 60 i want it to move further every 15min can you help ? Is there easy way to edit effect?

tmsindhoo, 9 years ago

I have never seen a clock that moves like that, do they really make clocks that do that? Isn't it more natural to make the hands move continuously?

Since version 12, the effects are compiled so you can't edit them. How about adding an FX CONTINUOUS property?

michiel, 9 years ago

michiel thanks for your quick response I think I couldn't explained properly, what I mean is when the minute hand is moving continuously , same time hour hand should move little bit, instead of jump from one number to an other when the hour completes. for example if the time is 5:30 then hour hand should reach at middle of 5 and 6.

tmsindhoo, 9 years ago

So you do not want the hands to jump but rotate at a constant speed, right?

Click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button at the top of this page to download a new version of the effect. This one has a FX CONTINUOUS property. When you set this to 1, I think it does what you want.

michiel, 9 years ago

thanks Michiel, but I am not asking for seconds hand, my concern is about hours hand. sorry if I could not understand you.

tmsindhoo, 9 years ago

In this new version all hands, including the hours hand, rotate at a constant speed when you set the FX CONTINUOUS property to 1.

michiel, 9 years ago

michiel it doesn't work I set the FX CONTINUOUS property to 1, and I set system time 11:59 but hours hand is still at the number 11 and when the time is 12:00 then hours hand jumps from 11 to 12.

tmsindhoo, 9 years ago

Aha, I see. I have updated the download. Could you try the new version?

michiel, 9 years ago

yes! it works michiel, thank you !

tmsindhoo, 9 years ago

Screenshots updated!

michiel, 4 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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