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Filip | 6 years ago | 9 comments | 9 likes | 2.1K views

persiana, SMSgtRod, Ulli and 6 others like this!

What can you do with the uvclamper.cfx?
You don't know until you try it!
So I played around and this is my first test show.

1. Make a text in BT
2. Export it as a picture (include transparency info)
3. Open new empty show
4. Ad picture layer (open exported picture)
5. Select effect UVClamper.cfx
6. Settings start show (set Physics dropdown box: Bouncer):
a. Picture size -4, -4,1
b. FX MinU,MaxU 0,5 , 0,5
7. Settings 1.5 sec:
a. Picture size 2, 2,1
b. FX MinU,MaxU 0,3131 , 0,6919
c. FXFade 3

You're good to go.

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Excellent use of the new effect. Happy to see you've discovered the FX Fade prop!

michiel, 6 years ago

Great Filip, and thanks for the short explanation.

komies, 6 years ago

good show, Filip
Well the explanation helps a lot!

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Muy logrado

persiana, 6 years ago

Merci Filip pour ce tutoriel , je vais l'ajouter à mon répertoire Aide Bluff

PAT67, 6 years ago

Very nice and thank you for your explaining, Filip!

Ulli, 6 years ago

Very nice!

LostBoyz, 6 years ago

Thnx all.

Filip, 6 years ago

Top show Vincent.....nicely done...

Dani, 6 years ago

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