NextPreviousHomeZebulon (Normal) Font

maxste | 5 years ago | 4 comments | 750 views

Your generous assistance is needed to complete a New Years show.
While trying to update an old BT show I discover that the font can no longer be displayed correctly. The rounded portions of the font are somehow changed or distorted. I've included a sample of the font and the distortion. Is there something changed in the application causing this and can it be corrected?

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I tried to recreate this and it looks to me you use the cornered pixels Style. Am I right?

See the pixture. The first is The Solid Style, the second the Cornered Pixels style.

Filip, 5 years ago

Filip; Thank you for responding. The first (that you show) is Zebulon (Normal). I have used this font in many older shows and now BT displays the font distorted (cornered pixels style). THe font should be as it is shown in your example first. THere is no style attached to the font so it should display correctly, instead it gets somehow changed to the angled style visible. I would like to have the font displayed normally. Everything else in BT is working correctly. THanks again for your help.

maxste, 5 years ago

I think choosing SETTINGS > HIGH QUALITY will solve the issue.

michiel, 5 years ago

Eureka! Perfect. I shouldn't have missed that. Thanks to everyone and especially to Michiel. Happy New Year!

maxste, 5 years ago

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