When you have installed the K-Lite Codec Pack, BluffTitler now plays MP4, QuickTime MOV, WebM and all other video formats supported by the LAV Video Decoder. Learn more
When you have installed FFmpeg, BluffTitler now exports as QuickTime MOV, WebM, WMV and Animated GIF. MP4 export in 4K is no longer a problem. Learn more
QuickTime MOV codec selector in Drivers tab of SETTINGS > Options... dialog. Supported codecs: QTRLE & ProRes
New menu item: MEDIA > Change glyph.... Learn more
New menu item: EDIT > Change all vectors...
New menu item: EDIT > Change all models...
Thumbnails for vector (EPS) and 3D model files (X)
Counters in Change all media power buttons in top right render window
New quality mode: choose SETTINGS > Super high quality
The textures generated by the colour map and cube map layers as well as the shadow maps are rendered in the top right when choosing SETTINGS > Render info
4 new styles in the sketch layer: Gear, Hexagram, Triangle & Hexagon
3 new styles in the light layer: Projected shadows on wall, Shadow maps & Directional light
3 new styles in the model layer: 3D in background, 3D in 3D space & 3D in foreground
2 new styles in the cube map layer: Custom & Reflect water
2 new styles in the text layer: Stroked sharp & Inflated
2 new styles in the mirror layer: Rectangle & Vector. Click on the Change vector... button to select a vector file
3 new properties in the light layer: Direction & Shadow map bias
New menu item: LAYER > Attach layer > Attach cube map to active layer
Improved lighting model: the specular colour can now be set independently with the Specular colour property
New picture layer style: Fulscreen in foreground
2 new effects: Filters/Distortion and AdvancedMaterials/Lightened_NoDepthWrite
MP4 profile dropdown in drivers tab of options dialog
Attach a container layer to a container layer
Version 12
DirectX 11 BluffTitler 12 is powered by DirectX 11. This makes installing BluffTitler painless (DirectX 11 is part of Windows) and gives us access to the power of the latest generation of graphics cards!
New GUI buttons The GUI buttons have been redesigned: nice, clear and modern! Learn more
In-app lessons Lessons are offered as show files: choose FILE > Open show.... Learn more
Mirror layer With the mirror layer you can create perfect reflections on planes. Learn more
Cube map layer With the cube map layer you can generate spectacular reflections on round surfaces. Learn more
New 3D models Our alien friend Bix and his robotic sidekick EZ have received a makeover and a 3rd avatar model is introduced. All models can be fully animated. Learn more
Render window resolution independent of export resolution This makes editing more relaxed
No more reloading Media files no longer have to be reloaded when you resize the render window or go fullscreen. This makes the app more responsive
One global quality setting In version 12 there is only 1 quality option: the menu items SETTINGS > Low/Normal/High quality. This way you no longer have to worry about hidden options affecting the quality
One options dialog Version 12 has 1 options dialog with 3 tabs: choose SETTINGS > Options.... With 1 options dialog you no longer have to worry you missed some settings
1 new property in the camera layer: Brightness
2 new properties in the sketch layer: Texture position and Texture size
Sketch and vector layers can now use the same vector file
Style dropdown in font dialog
If the Chameleon property of the particle layer is negative, the particle colours are taken from the target layer instead of the parent layer
New menu item: EDIT > Change all effects
Number of textures per layer increased from 2 to 3. This makes more complex effects possible, take a look at the AdvancedMaterials folder
Number of lights increased from 1 to 4. This greatly improves realism
Support for all 5 DirectX 11 shader types: vertex, hull, domain, geometry and pixel shaders
Number of effect properties increased from 10 to 16
DirectX 11 no longer supports DirectX 9 FX files and does not offer a replacement system. BluffTitler 12 introduces a new effect format: CFX files. To stay compatible, the installer offers CFX versions of the old FX files. When opening an old show, the matching CFX files are automatically selected. Learn more
Version 11
Bitmap tracer This greatly simplifies the process of turning your 2D logos into 3D models. Choose LAYER > Add layer > Add traced picture layer... to trace a picture. Learn more
Stroked text Borders in BluffTitler were always added to the interior of the texts. With the new Stroked text style we can finally add borders to the outside! Learn more
New pixel styles The text, vector and traced picture layers offer the following new styles: Floating Hexagons, Floating Triangles and Bubbles. Learn more
Drawing contours The sketch layer now also accepts bitmaps. Learn more
Improved quality: the font glyphs, vector shapes and blob particles are rendered with more polygons
Optimization: the 3D glyph models of the text and scroller layers are now generated a lot faster resulting in faster loading shows and a more responsive editor
5 new particle layer properties: Launch plane position, Launch plane rotation, Launch plane size, Floor level and Turbulence. Learn more
3 new physics effects: Accelerate slow, Decelerate slow and Accelerate and decelerate slow. Learn more
2 new spline effects: Spline Hulshoff and Spline Hulshoff smooth. Learn more
New particle layer effect: Pointing randomly. Learn more
1 new property in the container layer: Pivot point
2 new properties in the particle layer: Min/Max Particles and Variation
4 new buttons in browser panel: Settings, Change all texts, Change all fonts, Change all textures. These buttons make it much easier to use templates
UHDTV resolution presets in FILE > Set show resolution... dialog
Version 10
New GUI design: 60 new Metro/Windows 8 style buttons
Resizable tool window
Big app icon (256 x 256)
Change all texts with EDIT > Change all texts
Change all fonts with EDIT > Change all fonts
Change all textures with EDIT > Change all textures
Find a layer with <Ctrl> F
Find next layer with <Ctrl> G
Merge shows with <Ctrl> M
Multiple viewports
Full audio support
New physics effects: ZigZag and Robotic
New light layer property: Beam range
New text layer effects: XY-slices, Z-slices, Straight slices, Round slices, Vertically revolved, Tubular square, Light discs, Light bulbs, Extended outlines and Ornaments
New text layer properties: Pivot point, Slices position and Slices rotation
New particle layer effect: 3D cubes
New plasma layer property: Gradient power
New sketch layer effect: Square
New sketch layer property: Italic
New model layer properties: Submodel and Pivot point
Depth bias properties in the text, vector, picture and model layers to solve sorting problems
Advanced cache control: Cache XML files checkbox in the SETTINGS > Internet options... dialog
Possibility to attach a light layer to a camera layer
Select a layer by double clicking on it
Moving a layer by dragging it is now relative to the camera orientation
Super fast shader antialiasing
New setting in options dialog: auto folding layers hierarchy
New setting in options dialog: always show tool window at startup
Vertical align composition effects in the text layer
New light layer properties: Beam colour, Flare size and Flare colour
Shadows and lightbeams are now generated by text, vector, picture, model and sketch layers
New text layer effect: Single sided
New text layer property: Encrypt
New picture layer effects: Single sided, Skybox and 2D in foreground
New particle layer effects: Pointing upwards and Pointing towards flight direction
New particle layer properties: Chameleon, Effect size, Launch colour, Launch colour tolerance, Grid and Target layer
New sketch layer effects: Attached layers point upwards and Attached layers follow sketch
New scroller layer property: Transparency
New plasma layer effects: Horizontal, Vertical and Radial gradient
New sketch layer effect: Square
New model layer property: Colour
All demo shows that come with the installer now have the widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio
When editing, the active layer is rendered with a local coordinate system. This can be turned on/off by pressing <F2> or by choosing SETTINGS > Options...
Optimized rendering for realtime apps
Option to export with transparency info (compressed 32 bits RGBA)
Video texture is updated when timeslider is moved
Attach borders to picture, video and webcam layers
Maximum number of particles increased from 1.000 to 10.000
Maximum number of characters in the text layer increased from 500 to 1000
Maximum show duration increased from 3 to 60 minutes
Use IE proxy settings option in the internet options dialog
Support for UNC paths
Intuitive camera position mouse control
Proper Would you like to overwrite? dialog when saving show with all media files
Version 7
Software Antialiasing With software antialiasing your exported video and picture files always look super sharp, no matter what graphics card, video driver and hardware antialiasing settings you are using. A nice side effect is that you no longer have to keep the render window visible when exporting
Create videos with resolutions bigger than your desktop For example you will be able to create the highest HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 on a 1024 x 768 desktop. Resolutions good enough for printing are also possible, like creating a 4000 x 4000 picture for use on a party flyer. In the FILE > Set show resolution... dialog you can select a view of 50%, 25% or 12.5% to indicate that the exported resolution should be 2, 4 or 8 times bigger than the render window
Support for shader model 3 Advanced effects like median filters, morph effects and fractals are possible with shader model 3. Of course these effects will only work if your graphics card also supports shader model 3 (Geforce 6, ATI X1800 or better)
Effect properties Effect files used to abuse existing properties to make them controllable by the GUI. In version 7 effect files can add properties to layers. For example it is possible to create a Mandelbrot fractal effect that adds the properties Max iterations and Colour cycling speed to the picture layer. Another example is plane-to-donut morph effect that adds a Morp stage property to the picture layer
Subtle material effects Combine lighting, texture mapping and reflection mapping in any ratio: fine-tune your materials from dull to 100% reflective
New file formats Stills and numbered frames can be exported in the following file formats: BMP(24 & 32 bits), TGA(24 & 32 bits), JPG(24 bits), GIF(8 bits), TIF(24 bits) and PNG(24 & 32 bits)
Version 6
Sketch layer: animate vector files made with Bixelangelo
Full Unicode support: select the Unicode character set in the MEDIA > Change font dialog
Browser panel with Back, Forward, Refresh and Home buttons, URL combo box and status bar
All media files including textures, videos, models, effects and BT show files can be downloaded from the internet by using paths starting with "http:"
Hyperlinks: add links to layers with the new menu item: LAYER > Active layer properties...
Video and audio files can be streamed from the internet. Choose SETTINGS > Internet Options to turn streaming on/off
New menu item: FILE > Save show + all media files which is handy when copying shows to/from another computer or a web server
New menu item: SETTINGS > Internet options
Textures, meshes, models and pools are shared between layers and successive shows: shows load faster and use less memory
New model layer property: Specularity
Version 5
Smooth scroller layer
Normal mapping
Cube mapping (with DDS files)
Multi-Texturing effects
Tonal Art Mapping (realtime hatching)
Realtime filter effects in the picture, video and webcam layers
New particle layer property: Depth bias
Filmstrip support in the picture layer
New model layer property: Transparency
Version 4
3D model layer
Cloth simulation in the picture layer
Dynamic content: use BluffTitler to read RSS news feeds or as a photo browser
New picture layer property: Bounding box
3 new text layer properties: Decoration density, Bounding box and Character size
Maximum number of characters increased to 500
Possibility to move the drop-down menu to the tool window and back
Version 3
Optimized code resulting in ultra smooth realtime performance
6 new pixel effects: Pixels, Cornered pixels, Rounded pixels, Floating cubes, Floating spheres and Floating cylinders
3 new particle effects: Blobs (meta-balls), Spheres and Pipes
5 new text compositions: Spiral, Roll, String, Left and Right
3 new text layer Properties: Transparency, Decoration size and Font size
5 new plasma effects: Line Segments, Circles, Triangles, Rectangles and Rays
New menu item: LAYER > Attach plasma
Version 2
Cool new skinnable GUI
Draggable keyframes
2 new particle layer properties: Trail density and Rotation
Could not find your favorite language? Be the first to translate BluffTitler into a new language and get your copy for free!
Installation instructions Download one of the above files and place it in the BluffTitler/Media/Locales folder. You can select the new language by choosing SETTINGS > Options....
BixPack offers royalty free BluffTitler templates for all your projects.