Colour map layer

The monitor in the above video is a picture layer using a texture made by a colour map layer. By pasting another show inside the colour map layer (press <Ctrl> M), you can play a show inside a show. The template comes with BixPack 1.

What can I do with the colour map layer?

With the colour map layer you can generate colour map textures for use in other layers.

How do I add a colour map layer?

Choose LAYER > Add layer > Add colour map layer... to add a new colour map layer.

The new colour map layer can be selected from the layers dropdown to make it the active layer.


The installer comes with shows demonstrating the possibilities of the colour map layer. Choose FILE > Open show... and select a show from the BluffTitler/Media/Shows/Colourmap folder.

To quickly switch between your own shows and the ones that came with the installer, click on the Personal and App buttons in the upper right corner of the file dialog.

The colour map layer creates a colour map

The colour map layer does not render anything. Instead, it creates a colour map texture in memory that can be used by other layers.

Any effect that can use a colour map, can also use the output of a colour map layer. Examples are:

  • Lightened
  • NotLightened
  • All effects in the Filters folder

How do I make my layer use a colour map layer?

Click on the Select colour map layer button in the Change textures and effect dialog.

Show inside a show

A colour map layer is like a show inside a show. The only difference is that the output is not rendered to screen, but to a texture.

Attaching a new layer to an existing colour map layer

Make the colour map layer the active layer before creating the new layer.

Attaching an existing layer to an existing colour map layer

Choose LAYER > Attach layer > Attach active layer.

Import show

Make the colour map layer the active layer and press <Ctrl> M to import a show inside the colour map layer.

Export as show

Press <Ctrl> B to turn the active colour map layer into a show. After that it can be saved with FILE > Save show as....

Clear colour map layer

Make the colour map layer the active layer and click on the Delete all active layers button to clear the colour map layer.

Inspect colour map

The generated colour map is rendered in the top right of the screen when you choose SETTINGS > Render info.

Colour map layer style 1


The colour map layer generates an LDR texture (1 byte per colour component).


The colour map layer generates an HDR texture (2 bytes per colour component). This can be necessary to prevent the terracing effect when the colour map is used as a displacement map.

Colour map layer properties


The resolution of the texture that is generated. A higher resolution looks better, but requires more memory and is slower.

Background colour

The background colour.

1st slider: red

2nd slider: green

3rd slider: blue

When you press <F3> and the mouse is inside the tool window, the standard Windows colour dialog is presented. When the mouse is outside the tool window, the colour of the current mouse position is copied: it's a colour picker!


The transparency of the background.

0 means fully opaque

1 means fully transparent (invisible)