FILE menu

FILE > New show

Starts a new show. This show is not completely empty: a camera layer, two light layers and a text layer have been made for you.

FILE > Open show...

Opens a show from disk.

A show can also be opened in the following ways:

  • Click on the Open show... button
  • Double click on the BT show file
  • Drag and drop show file on BluffTitler's render window

BluffTitler features its own file dialog. Learn more

FILE > Set background colour...

Sets the background colour.

FILE > Set show duration...

Changes the duration (length in seconds) of the show.

FILE > Set show resolution...

Changes the export resolution (size in pixels) of the show. Presets are available for all common resolutions including SD, HD and UHD.

FILE > Show properties...

Opens a dialog where you can enter the show title, info and content.

FILE > Save show

Saves the current show under the current name.

FILE > Save show as...

Saves the current show under a new name.

FILE > Save show + all media files...

Saves the current show and places all used media files next to the BT show file. This option is useful when you want to copy a show to another computer or to a web server.

FILE > Export as picture...

Exports the current frame as a picture file. Mark the Include alpha channel checkbox for a transparent picture.

When the active layer is a colour map layer, this colour map is exported.

When the active layer is a cube map layer, a 360° picture is generated.

FILE > Export as video...

Exports the current show/playlist as a video file. Learn more

FILE > Export as model...

Exports the current show as a model file. Learn more

FILE > Exit

Exits the app.


CONTROL > Play windowed

Starts the show from the beginning.

CONTROL > Play fullscreen

Plays the show fullscreen.


Stops the show. You can also press the <Escape> key.

CONTROL > Looping

Loops the show continuously. Press <Escape> or the stop button to stop.


Opens and plays the previous show.

CONTROL > Forward

Opens and plays the next show.

CONTROL > Refresh

Clears the cache and reloads the current show.


Opens and runs the home page, as set with the menu item SETTINGS > Options.

EDIT menu

EDIT > Undo


EDIT > Redo


EDIT > Change all texts...

Displays a dialog that allows you to change all texts the show is using, which is very useful for templates.

EDIT > Change all fonts...

Displays a dialog that allows you to change all fonts the show is using, which is very useful for templates.

EDIT > Change all textures...

Displays a dialog that allows you to change all textures (pictures) the show is using, which is very useful for templates.

EDIT > Change all vectors...

Displays a dialog that allows you to change all vectors the show is using.

EDIT > Change all models...

Displays a dialog that allows you to change all models the show is using.

EDIT > Change all effects...

Displays a dialog that allows you to change all effects the show is using.

EDIT > Find

Finds a layer

EDIT > Find next

Finds the next layer

LAYER menu

LAYER > Add Layer > Add camera layer...

Adds a camera layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add light layer

Adds a light layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add plasma layer...

Adds a plasma layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add text layer

Adds a text layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add traced picture layer

Adds a traced picture layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add vector layer...

Adds a vector layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add scroller layer

Adds a scroller layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add picture layer...

Adds a picture layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add video layer...

Adds a video layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add webcam layer

Adds a webcam layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add skybox layer

Adds a skybox layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add VR 360° layer

Adds a VR 360° layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add landscape layer

Adds a landscape layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add water layer

Adds a water layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add particle layer...

Adds a particle layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add waving flag layer...

Adds a waving flag layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add sketch layer...

Adds a sketch layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add model layer...

Adds a model layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add hand layer...

Adds a hand layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add mirror layer...

Adds a mirror layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add voxel layer...

Adds a voxel layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add audio layer...

Adds a audio layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add colour map layer...

Adds a colour map layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add cube map layer...

Adds a cube map layer to the show.

LAYER > Add Layer > Add container layer

Adds a container layer to the show.

LAYER > Attach Layer > Attach border to active layer...

Attaches a border to the active layer.

After attaching a text layer to the active layer, the new attached text layer is visible in the layers dropdown. You can use this dropdown to select the attached text layer and change its properties. Your effect can be saved as a preset by choosing PRESET > Save preset as....

LAYER > Attach Layer > Attach plasma to active layer...

Attaches a plasma layer to the active layer.

After attaching a plasma layer to the active layer, the new attached plasma layer is visible in the layers dropdown. You can use this dropdown to select the attached plasma layer and change its properties. Your effect can be saved as a preset by choosing PRESET > Save preset as....

LAYER > Attach Layer > Attach particles to active layer...

Attaches a particle layer to the active layer.

After attaching a particle layer to the active layer, the new attached particle layer is visible in the layers dropdown. You can use this dropdown to select the attached particle layer and change its properties. Your effect can be saved as a preset by choosing PRESET > Save preset as....

LAYER > Attach Layer > Attach lightning to active layer...

Attaches a lightning layer to the active layer.

After attaching a lightning layer to the active layer, the new attached lightning layer is visible in the layers dropdown. You can use this dropdown to select the attached lightning layer and change its properties. Your effect can be saved as a preset by choosing PRESET > Save preset as....

LAYER > Attach Layer > Attach lens flare to active layer...

Attaches a lens flare layer to the active layer.

After attaching a lens flare layer to the active layer, the new attached lens flare layer is visible in the layers dropdown. You can use this dropdown to select the attached lens flare layer and change its properties. Your effect can be saved as a preset by choosing PRESET > Save preset as....

LAYER > Attach Layer > Attach active layer...

Attaches the active layer to an existing container, camera or colour map layer.

LAYER > Attach Layer > Detach active layer

Detaches the active layer from its parent container, camera or colour map layer.

LAYER > Attach Layer > Delete all attached layers

Deletes all layers attached to the active layer.

LAYER > Stand in landscape

Makes the active layer stand in the landscape layer. The vertical position is now relative to the landscape surface.

LAYER > Float in water

Makes the active layer float in the water layer. The vertical position is now relative to the water surface.


Opens the VJ dialog.

LAYER > Delete active layer

Deletes the active layer. All attached layers will also be deleted. Be careful not to delete all light layers, unless you love the dark.

LAYER > Clone active layer

Makes an identical copy of the active layer.

LAYER > Reverse active layer

Reverses the active layer.

LAYER > Bring active layer backward

Brings the active layer backward. This only works when using 2D styles. For example a show with 2 picture layers, both using the 2D in foreground style. All other layers are automatically sorted by their distance to the camera. Use the Position property to move a layer closer to the camera.

LAYER > Bring active layer forward

Brings the active layer forward. This only works when using 2D styles. For example a show with 2 picture layers, both using the 2D in foreground style. All other layers are automatically sorted by their distance to the camera. Use the Position property to move a layer closer to the camera.

LAYER > Active layer properties

Opens a dialog where you can enter the layer name and link.

MEDIA menu

MEDIA > Change text...

Changes the text of the text/scroller layer. Most of the time you will use the textbox on the tool window for this, but for long texts or when using dynamic content this dialog can be handy.

MEDIA > Change font...

Sets the font of the text/scroller layer. If you want to change the font of all layers, mark the All Layers checkbox before choosing this menu item. Do not forget to unmark this checkbox afterwards.

When BluffTitler says it can't handle a font, try using the flat or solid styles.

MEDIA > Change glyph...

Changes a font glyph of a text/scroller layer.

MEDIA > Change texture...

Changes the texture. The texture can also be dropped onto the render window.

MEDIA > Change vector...

Changes the vector file of a vector layer.

MEDIA > Change traced picture...

Changes the picture file of a traced picture layer.

MEDIA > Change model...

Changes the 3D model file used by the model layer. The model can also be dropped onto the render window.

MEDIA > Change audio...

Changes the audio file used by the audio layer.

MEDIA > Change effect...

Changes the effect of the active layer.


PRESET > Open preset...

Opens a preset from disk. A preset is a layer with 1 key.

The preset dialog only shows presets of the same layer type as the active layer. It also takes hierarchy into account.

PRESET > Save preset as...

Saves the active key of the active layer as a preset to disk.

Your preset only shows up in the Open preset... dialog when you save your preset in one of the following folders:

  • The BluffTitler/Presets folder in your documents folder: click on the Personal button in the upper right corner of the file dialog
  • The Media/Presets folder next to the BluffTitler executable: click on the App button in the upper right corner of the file dialog


PLAYLIST > Open playlist...

Opens a playlist

PLAYLIST > Save playlist

Saves the current playlist under the current name.

PLAYLIST > Save playlist as...

Saves the current playlist under a new name.


SETTINGS > Tool window

With this menu item you can show/hide the tool window.

SETTINGS > Browser mode

With this menu item you can show/hide the browser panel.

SETTINGS > Playlist window

With this menu item you can show/hide the playlist window.

SETTINGS > Move menu

With this menu item you can move the menu from the render window to the tool window and back. When moving the menu to the tool window, the borders of the render window are also removed, allowing you to place this window fullscreen on a second monitor. (When using a dual head video card)

SETTINGS > Render info

The following info is rendered when editing:

  • the crosshair
  • the grid
  • the camera coordinate system
  • the local coordinate system of the active layer
  • the bounding box of the layer (as set with the Bounding box property)
  • the textures generated by the colour map and cube map layers

SETTINGS > Low, Normal, High and Super high quality

This sets the visual quality. On an average computer edit in normal quality, export as video in high quality and export as picture in super high quality.

SETTINGS > Options...

Opens a dialog where you can set the options.

SETTINGS > Switch to EASY/PRO version

At any time you can switch between the EASY and the PRO versions with this menu item. Depending on your license, the app reverts to the demo (evaluation) version.

SETTINGS > Enter license keys

When you buy BluffTitler you receive your own personal license keys. Select this menu item to enter them into the app to turn the evaluation (demo) version into the full version.

HELP menu

HELP > User guide

Opens the BluffTitler user guide in your default internet browser. Pressing <F1> does the same.

HELP > Community

Opens the BluffTitler community in your default internet browser. On this site can share tips and tricks with other users, show your work, download free templates and ask questions.

HELP > Templates

Opens the BixPack site in your default internet browser. On this site you can purchase professional, royalty free BluffTitler templates.

HELP > Demo

When hitting this item BluffTitler starts playing random shows from the Media/Shows folder. Press <Escape> to quit this demo mode.

HELP > Ordering information

Displays ordering information.

HELP > Check for upgrades

Connects to the internet for information about the latest version, updates, upgrades and downloading old versions.

HELP > About BluffTitler

Shows general information.

File dialog

When you choose FILE > Open show..., a file dialog is presented that looks like this. The templates are from BixPack 25.


Click on one of the folder names in the top left to select a parent folder.

Double click on one of the blue folder icons to select a child folder.

Double click on a file to select that file.

When you right click on a file or folder, a pop-up menu is presented that allows you to open, rename, delete, create and view details.

Quick access buttons

Click on the App button in the top right to quickly jump to the templates that came with the installer.

Click on the Personal button to jump to the default save folder.

Click on the Download button to jump to the download folder.

Click on the Desktop button to jump to the desktop folder.

The BixPack and Projects buttons in the above screenshot are custom quick access folders. They can be added by right clicking on a blue folder icon and choosing Add to quick access. A button can be removed by right clicking on it and choosing Remove from quick access.

Folder thumbnails

If a folder contains files of the right type, a thumbnail of one of them is rendered inside the folder icon. Click on the active folder name in the top left to refresh the thumbnails in the folder icons.

Use the standard Windows file dialog

When you prefer the standard Windows file dialog, mark the Use standard Windows file dialog checkbox in the SETTINGS > Options... dialog. Learn more

Alternatively you can hold down the <Shift> key when choosing FILE > Open show...

Options dialog

Choose SETTINGS > Options... to open the options dialog.


With this option you can translate the BluffTitler GUI. All interface texts, except the error messages, are translated.

The translations that come with the installer can be found in the BluffTitler/Media/Locales folder.

Visit the download page for a list of all the available languages.

Home page

This is the show that is opened when you start BluffTitler or click on the Home button.

Temp folder

This folder is used to store temporarily files. It is used in the following situations:

  • When exporting a show containing audio or video
  • When exporting a show as an MP4 file
  • When exporting a show using an external encoder
  • When playing a show with a VJ effect
  • When loading a GLB file

By default, a subfolder of the C:\Users folder is used. Use a folder on another drive when your C drive is almost full or when you want to spare your system drive.

BluffTitler unpacks the GLB model textures to the temp folder. To allow you to inspect and copy them, they are not deleted until an hour later. The other temporary files are immediately deleted after use. And to make sure they are also deleted in case something went wrong, all temporary files older than an hour are deleted next time you start BluffTitler.

Max texture resolution

This is the maximum texture resolution. Bigger textures are scaled down to this resolution. It can be used to prevent out of video memory issues when using super high resolution photos. Set this value to 0 to accept all resolutions.

Default font

This is the font that is used when you choose FILE > New show. The default font is also the font that is used when a font can't be found or loaded.

Emoji font

This is the font that is used for rendering the emoji characters. The default value is Segoe UI Emoji. Optional you can use Segoe UI Symbol or OpenSansEmoji.

Stereoscopic format

This option is used when the Pupil distance property of the camera layer has a non-zero value. It offers the following standards:

  • Half SBS. The 2 screens are rendered side by side with a double pixel aspect ratio (PAR)
  • Full SBS. The 2 screens are rendered side by side, without adjusting the PAR. To keep the same viewport, double the width in the FILE > Set show resolution dialog.
  • Half TAB. The 2 screens are rendered on top of each other (Top and Bottom) with a halved PAR.
  • Full TAB. The 2 screens are rendered on top of each other, without adjusting the PAR. To keep the same viewport, double the height in the FILE > Set show resolution dialog.

Open all shows in the same resolution

When this checkbox is unmarked and you open a show, the resolution is changed to the resolution that is stored in the show file.

But when this checkbox is marked, shows are always opened in the very same resolution. Click on the Select resolution... button to set this resolution.

Always show tool window at startup

The BluffTitler executable is an editor as well as a player. Choose SETTINGS > Tool window to switch between the two.

When you start BluffTitler by double clicking on a show file, it starts up in player mode. When this checkbox is marked, it starts up in edit mode.

Auto folding layers hierarchy

When this checkbox is marked, all layers are hidden that are not root layers or parent or child layers of the active layer. This can make the layers dropdown look more clear.

Add - sign to non-default properties

When this checkbox is marked, a minus sign (-) is added to the property name when it has a non-default value. This makes it easier to find out how to recreate an effect.

Auto mark ALL KEYS checkbox

When this checkbox is marked, the All keys checkbox is automatically marked when you select some properties. Learn more

Use standard Windows file dialog

BluffTitler features its own file dialog that offers nice big thumbnails and handy App and Personal buttons for quickly switching between the files that came with the installer and your own files. It is used in the following situations:

  • Opening and saving shows
  • Opening and saving presets
  • Selecting vectors
  • Selecting 3D models
  • Selecting effects

Mark this checkbox if you prefer to use the standard Windows file dialog.

Drivers tab

Learn more