NextPreviousHomeMusic Visualisation effects to a Container layer

Kauzito | 8 years ago | 4 comments | 1,329 views

I would like my container layer to dance to the beat of my music. Unfortunately, I cannot apply any effect to a container layer.
Is there a way around this?

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In the current version you can't apply effects to a container layer.

The way around this is to apply the effect to all its child layers.

Since it's impossible to mix effects, implementing this feature will create another limitation: you can't apply an effect to a layer that is attached to a container layer that has an effect. I worry this will create a lot of confusion.

michiel, 8 years ago

Michiel, you said it's impossible to mix fx but when you apply fx on camera layer it's the same case because all layers can be considered as child layers of the camera layer?! or maybe i miss something. thanks in advance for informations.

vincent, 8 years ago

If the effect only adjust the pixels of a texture you can render the adjusted texture again with another effect. This is what happens when you apply an effect to the camera layer: the render output is treated as a texture.

But most effects do a lot more than that. For example they change the vertex positions or even add extra triangles. Those effects can't be mixed.

michiel, 8 years ago

Thank you Michiel for explanations.

vincent, 8 years ago

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