Filip | 4 years ago | 8 comments | 3 likes | 827 views
persiana, SparkyVegas and Alex-Raymond T. like this!
What did I learn;
1. Use a Font without scharp edges (eg Arial rounded MT Bold)
2. Use Text layer style 1: Round Bevel, Inflated (left) works also
3. Use text layer properties: - Bevel Slider 1:>0
Slider 2:>0
Slider 3=0
- Texture mapping: 1
4. Use a seamless texture
Nb. The textures in the zip file are different from the video (much smaller)
Very nice, thanks for posting.
How did you create the heightmap?
PiPPi, 4 years ago
It seemed to me that for heightmaps it was better to use 16 bits grayscale as depth for colors, yet sometimes some 24 bits images work better than others in 16 bits, this example of Filip confirms this finding since in his show the displacement is very good quality with a 24 bits image.
vincent, 4 years ago
Pippi: With Filter Forge 10
Filip, 4 years ago
Thanks Filip.
PiPPi, 4 years ago
Thnx all for your kind words.
Filip, 4 years ago