liuyongcai | a year ago | 7 comments | 5 likes | 410 views
Kanon, xinyi, Alex-Raymond T. and 2 others like this!
The model no longer glows in BT, Michelle guides me to solve it.
nonnogio, a year ago
I don't know why the sphere glows in the Sketchfab preview. The model does not feature a glow map so this is a mystery to me.
But it's easy to add glow in BluffTitler:
1) clone the model (choose LAYER > CLONE ACTIVE LAYER)
2) set the SUBMODEL prop to -4 (this renders everything except the sphere)
3) set the SUBMODEL prop of the clone layer to 4 (this renders only the sphere) and turn on glow (choose LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... and mark the GLOW checkbox)
michiel, a year ago
xuelianghua, 2 months ago
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