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shoji M | 11 months ago | 4 comments | 3 likes | 426 views

hantang, songbaojin and Dani like this!

BT15.7.0.1 No problem. But later versions of the sketch bound fonts all flew away.

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So you are attaching a text layer to a sketch layer and apply the Bender effect to both of them? That's a very difficult way to create a crown 🤔🤔🤔

Thank you for the report. We'll try to find a way to make this work in a next version.

For now, why don't you keep it simple and use a model? Sketchfab has lots of crowns:

michiel, 11 months ago

While working on this, I hope you'll solve the sketch italic problem with attached layer too.

vincent, 11 months ago

Thanks Michiel, Look forward to the new version.
Just an example of a sketch binding text, not a crown.

shoji M, 11 months ago

We've taken a close look at this issue.

Doing it the old way will break new shows. Safest way is to update the Text\Bender effect. We've renamed the "FX Apply to whole text (1=yes)" property to "FX Space". The values 0 and 1 do the same as the old version, so this effect remains backwards compatible. When set to 2, it uses the world position which makes your crown possible. The updated version of this effect will be published in the next version.

michiel, 11 months ago

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