vincent | a month ago | 18 comments | 13 likes | 493 views
Tintin, Pioneer, Decentralized and 10 others like this!
I had fun creating a split-flap display 3D model although I still have some improvements to make.
I know that V11_ScoreFlipper.cfx does the job but unfortunately cannot be exported to GLB files.
On this occasion I was wondering if a GLB file could contain audio, it would simplify audio-video synchronization in this type of show
Vincent, can I download your show?
snafu, a month ago
Vincent, I received your message, do you mean this is in a Bixpack?, I have all of them.
snafu, a month ago
Questo è uno spettacolo, mi sembra di essere in un aeroporto internazionale. Molto bello
nonnogio, a month ago
thank you all. Snafu what message are you talking about, I didn't send anything. This is a personal show and it does not come from a BixPack.
I will make the 3D file available a little later because I need to improve a few points :
- Add numbers, some special characters and space.
- And above all make sure that there is only one texture for all the flaps.
---------------------------------- V11_ScoreFlipper.cfx ------------------------------------------------------
Know that if you stay in the domain of BluffTitler you do not need a model to create this show, just use the V11_ScoreFlipper effect with the same type of texture as above.
On filter set FX Pages to 41 (number of characters in pic)
and play with FX Page Number .
vincent, a month ago
Very nice show!
DaDa, a month ago
Thank you Vincent. I understand.
snafu, a month ago
Nice. Looking forward to play with the show files!
About audio, the current version of the GLB format (2.0) does not support audio.
michiel, a month ago
Nice show, Vincent! I like it! Thank you! :)
irina1208, a month ago
This is a great use of Blufftitler. I am really impressed by this. I look forward to downloading the show and playing around with it. Thank you Vincent it's bloody brilliant!
Pioneer, a month ago
The next 3D Split-Flap model will have 43 characters : 26 Uppercase letters, 10 numbers, [space], + - / * : @
Only one texture with structure as above to be able to be changed easily in BT (F8).
I'm still doing some touch-ups
vincent, 3 weeks ago
Well done Vincent, a great way of using Blufftitler. I look forward to playing around with your show, its going to make a great eye catching intro or outro.
Pioneer, 3 weeks ago