lightads | 7 years ago | 7 comments | 2.2K views
in bixangelo this image with color tubes = 3d image
how do we do this? i drew out a shape but dont see options for multicolored tubes
Lightads, Bixelangelo does not handle colors, colors must be added using Blufftitler selecting appropriate texture and effect to apply to the sketch.
To avoid the multiplication of articles I take advantage of this one for post my question: how Bixelangelo positions a new inserted element (pos and angle) ?
Thanks in advance
vincent, 7 years ago
Vincent, Do you know if anyone has posted a video, like on YouTube, that shows a little bit about how to work in Bixelangelo? I would be very interesting, and helpful, to see how something is created in it.
MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago
Hi MrGruntHunter, no i don't know video tutorials, Bixelangelo 4 is very new and we are all discovering the program but i think we'll find videos and shows examples soon.
vincent, 7 years ago
lightads, this example uses 5 sketch layers. They are identical, except for the COLOUR, OFFSET and WRITER props.
We'll add this template to the next installer!
michiel, 7 years ago
Vincent, the new element is added to the tip of the sketch.
For the rotation, the Bezier control point and the roll control point are used. The roll control point is on your right side when you ride the roller coaster.
A 3D coordinate system is defined by 3 axis (XYZ) but because the 3rd is perpendicular to the first 2, we only have to define 2. And those 2 are the Bezier control point (blue, the Z axis) and the roll control point (green, the X axis)
Use D, E and R, the EDIT submenus or the F9 tool window to switch between drawing, editing Bezier and editing roll.
michiel, 7 years ago
thanks michiel the issue is in bluff. will post a new thread with a video clip discussing
lightads, 7 years ago
Using 3D BluffTitler to give me the edge in my video editing :)
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