NextPreviousHomeDoes BluffTitler support vertical monitors?

michiel | 6 years ago | 8 comments | 4 likes | 3.0K views

snafu, Markruz, LostBoyz and 1 other like this!

Here's a commonly asked question: does BluffTitler support vertical monitors?

The answer is yes.

There's nothing special about a vertical monitor. It's only another resolution.

Choose FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION... to make BluffTitler use the same resolution as your screen.

All BixPack templates are 16:9. To make them look good in 9:16, the following 2 camera layer properties are important:
-the POSITION property
-the FIELD OF VIEW property

On the screenshot you can see how the latest BixPacks look on vertical monitors.

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Choose FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION... to set the resolution.

This is how the dialog looks like. Notice the 9:16 aspect ratio for a vertical screen.

michiel, 6 years ago

Merci Michiel pour cette info pratique et utile pour nos smartphones

PAT67, 6 years ago

Indeed, a phone is a vertical monitor!

BTW, Bix is a big fan of vertical monitors. Watch his nephew at 1:06 in this video!

michiel, 6 years ago

When 16:9 aspect took the place of the nearly square box 4:3 I was thrilled.
Just like being at the movies.....YaY!!

Now folks with their phones record in the vertical 9:16.

I don't even watch those clips because 50% of my screen is useless.
Subjects move in an out of frame..... don't get a good overview of the scene.

Nope, the sarge don't watch 'em.

SMSgtRod, 6 years ago

Merci Infiniment pour ce conseille Monsieur Michel ( quoi-que, je le savais déjà) Ih ih ih

Willy DUBOIS, 6 years ago

is it possible to convert a template to a vertical screen

RocDaParty, 6 years ago

The answer is yes: choose FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION... to set the resolution.

If important elements are out of view, use the following 2 camera layer props to fix this:

michiel, 6 years ago

🤣😂 VVS

Franco Aversa, 3 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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