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michiel | 17 years ago | 12 comments | 5 likes | 8.6K views

Doc6768, dattel, Ulli and 1 other like this!

A nice slideshow effect.

The included WhiteBorder.fx effect file is an improved version: it features better antialiasing.

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Ein toller Vorschlag, diese Idee ist gut
fur ein Urlaubsvideo zu gebrauchen.
Vielen Dank Michiel !

carlo, 17 years ago

Simple effects can have great impact!
Also...Nice pictures of Bix ;)

Tukkermando, 17 years ago

Wieder einmal ein toller Effect!

Ulli, 17 years ago

Habe diesen Effekt gleich in mein neues Video eingebaut jedoch etwas abgeandert.OmaBrigitte aus der Schweiz hat sich sehr gefreudt.

Rauscher, 17 years ago

Hallo Wolfgang,

klasse Video, toll gemacht und sehr informativ! Da glaube ich gern, dass die Freude gross war.

Ulli, 17 years ago

how do you edit it to add your own pictures

fuzzyelf, 17 years ago

The easiest way is to overwrite the texture files that come with this animation: Photo1.JPG, Photo2.JPG, Photo3.JPG and Photo4.JPG

In BluffTitler you can change a texture by pressing the CHANGE TEXTURE button on the toolbar. Every layer can have its own texture and you an select a layer with the dropdown above the PLAY button.

Note that "texture" is a 3D graphics term for photo or picture.

fuzzyelf, 17 years ago


fuzzyelf, 17 years ago

I love this effect and want to use it in a project I am doing now. I have a total of 20 photos that I want to stack. Can I duplicate the photo layers used for Photo1 through 4 but substitute photos 5 through 20?

I have tried cloning the active layer but see no way to edit the photo name. I was really hoping I could be lazy and not have to create each new layer seperately.

SoCal Chris, 16 years ago

You can duplicate a layer by pressing the CLONE ACTIVE LAYER button.

You can change the photo of the active layer by pressing CHANGE TEXTURE button.

michiel, 16 years ago

Thanks. I did get that to work but it seems that if you try to use more than maybe 10 photos it just gets bogged down. I suppose I could reduce the size of the photo files first and try again.

SoCal Chris, 16 years ago


Remember that all pictures have to be stored as uncompressed textures on your graphics card. A JPG picture might be small in bytes, but the number of pixels is the only thing that counts. For example a picture with a resolution of 4096 x 3072 pixels always takes up 48 MB, no matter its filesize. If your graphis card has 256 MB, it only takes a few photos in that resolution to run out of video mem.

Realize that by quadrupling the horizontal resolution the number of pixels increases 4x4=16 times!!! A photo with a resolution of 1024 x 768 only requires 3 MB (3x16=48)

michiel, 16 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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