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michiel | 7 months ago | 7 comments | 5 likes | 467 views

Ilja, xinyi, liuyongcai and 2 others like this!

The latest version offers a few GLB export improvements.

Morph targets

Morph targets are now exported.

Morph targets are mostly used for changing facial expressions. The avatars generated by Ready Player Me offer a huge collection of morph targets:

More info in the user guide:

Robotic arm layer

The robotic arm layer can now be exported as an animated model.

Here's how that looks like on Sketchfab:


Unnecessary keyframes are now removed resulting in smaller GLB files.

Unused morph targets are not yet removed. Not sure if this is desirable.

Node hierarchy

Everything is now a child of a "BluffTitler Show" node and every layer has its own container node.

In the top right of the above screenshot you can see how this looks like in Blender. This makes it easier to map the GLB node structure to the BT layer structure.

Bug fixes

Models using multiple meshes per node are now correctly exported. Blender sometimes generates such models.

Models using colour per vertex are now correctly exported. Here's an example of such a model:

Models using sparse accessors are now correctly imported. This a rarely used technique that the GLB format uses to compress morph target data. To improve compatibility, this compression is not applied in the exported GLB file.

Thank you

Thank you all for your test models, test shows and other feedback!


As always, the latest version can be downloaded from the download page:

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Fantastic, thank you!
It is expected that the export of the hand layer will be included in a later update?

LostBoyz, 7 months ago

Thanks great, michiel. Great work for BT!

liuyongcai, 7 months ago

Thank you michiel.

vincent, 7 months ago

Thanks Michiel great work

mohkamil, 7 months ago

Thanks to Michiel it is possible to export these models in BT.

shoji M, 7 months ago

Thank you all!

LostBoyz, I would use a model layer with a hand model:

Sjoji, this looks like a morph target: animate the MX prop:

michiel, 7 months ago

Thank you Michiel!
But the BluffTitler hand is much more unique and better 🤗
So this is not expected in the next update?

LostBoyz, 7 months ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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