michiel | 8 years ago | 11 comments | 12 likes | 3.1K views
SparkyVegas, Thor5ten, Ulli and 9 others like this!
The heightmap has been generated with WorldCreator ( world-creator.com ) and rendered with the new landscape layer.
The 360˚ skybox has been shot in Rotterdam using the RICOH THETA S ( theta360.com... ), post processed with Bixorama ( outerspace-software.com... ) and rendered with the new skybox layer.
The 2 text layers automatically follow the landscape by marking the LAYER > STAND IN LANDSCAPE menu item.
The Camera\CameraFog effect is used to add extra depth and soft shadows are created with the light layer.
the landscape madmax game feeling :)
I ask for it the show for me? :)
LostBoyz, 8 years ago
Thank you LostBoyz!
Plan is to use this scene in the promovideo of version13 and when it's finished offer a single download of all the show files in the promo.
michiel, 8 years ago
impressive and beautiful sight.
Jesus, 8 years ago
How dit you make the colourmap?
Filip, 8 years ago
The displacementmap and colourmap have been created with world-creator.com
Here's an overview of software that can generate landscapes:
michiel, 8 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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