michiel | 3 years ago | 11 comments | 8 likes | 2.2K views

Decentralized, LostBoyz, Thor5ten and 5 others like this!

Version 15.6 adds a simple rule that makes it easier to create 3D pixel art: when the resolution of the traced picture is smaller than 33 pixels, the picture is traced pixel perfect: no attempt is made to straighten jagged lines.

Here's a Merry Christmas show that demonstrates what can be done with this.

The snow falling out of the sky (layer 6) is pixelized by using the 3D CUBES particles style. And the snow on the texts (layers 10 and 13) is pixelized by using the 3D BLOCKS particle style.

Have a pixel Christmas 😁

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This show, also included in the ZIP, demonstrates the difference.

The left picture is a traced picture layer tracing a 32x32 picture and textured with the very same picture.

The middle picture traces a 34x34 picture. It's the same picture, only 2 fully transparent pixels have been added. Because it's now bigger than 32 pixels, BluffTitler tries to straighten the jagged lines.

The right picture traces the same 34x34 picture, but uses a 340x340 picture as a texture to prevent the ugly low resolution texture filtering.

I hope this makes it clear. Select the layers and press F9 (or choose MEDIA > Change texture...) to see how it's done.

michiel, 3 years ago

Pixels are invading the world. Even my home town is invaded:


michiel, 3 years ago

Cool! :)Thank you! Merry Christmas Michiel!

LostBoyz, 3 years ago

😨🀣Nice, not the invasion, but the pixels.

Filip, 3 years ago

Very interesting, thanks Michiel for the demonstration. I believe that now I will no longer go to the mountains without my helmet! If by chance, Invader was passing by... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Une tempête de neige contemporaine c'est original. Merci Michiel

PAT67, 3 years ago

The snow looks like "Lego". It is funny.

Ulli, 3 years ago

Very nice.Michiel

liuyongcai, 3 years ago

Thank you Michiel.

Decentralized, 3 years ago

Is there an effect that can turn "3D object" into optimized "Voxel Art" or "Low Poly" object?
What is explained here is specific to the photo to pixel art and the voxel that in the BT is different from what I want.
Please see this online convertor:


SamSaam, 2 years ago

To create this picture I have attached a particle layer to a model layer (Bix.obj from the installer) with the following settings:
-No texture
-Effect: Lightened
-1st style: 3D CUBES
-PARTICLE SIZE property: (1,1,1)
-GRID property: (2,2,2)
-CHAMELEON property: 1
-EMISSION property: 10000

michiel, 2 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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