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michiel | 15 years ago | 8 comments | 3 likes | 11.0K views

AllanADL, Sma and heg like this!

This show is a response to Allan's Help for Presentation request.

All texts are taken from the TheDecadefromHell.xml file that I created from Allan's doc file. If you want to change the content you have to edit this file.

To make sure all texts fit into the screen I have used the BOUNDS property. Press F2 to see the BOUNDaries.

I hope this ones gets you started. If you have any questions please ask!

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To prevent annoying Could not found font error messages, the show uses the Arial Black font.

The screenshot however uses the Star Jedi font. Remember: the easiest way to make your show look better is to use a better font:

michiel, 15 years ago

Wow Michael

Would have taken me hours of learning to get here. Thanks so much. I will do the learning when I can. I have downloaded and installed the Star Jedi font set already, and can control those changes.

However I have some questions which may have answers in the user guides - if so please forgive me for not finding them there first. I will ask anyway just in case :-)

* How do I get access to the xml sheet for text corrections additions/deletions etc.

* What do I do with a corrected file afterwards to make it all work again?

* How do I make the type pause longer before zooming out again? .... some of the wordy ones are too fast to read. The pause is so the audience can comprehend the message.

* How do I make the years stand out more i.e. Maybe have them solid Jedi font and red (Is the flame effect overkill? :-) Can I do this and easily have two different colours in the dynamic fed type from an XML? .... what do you think and how do I do it please?

I really want to master all this and your help is invaluable.


AllanADL, 15 years ago

>How do I get access to the xml sheet for text corrections

You can edit the XML file in any text editor, including Notepad

>What do I do with a corrected file afterwards to make it all work again

Reload the show by pressing F5 or by choosing FILE > OPEN SHOW...

>How do I make the type pause longer before zooming out again?

Easiest way is to make the show longer by pressing the SET SHOW DURATION... button. Adding or moving keyframes gives you more control.

>How do I make the years stand out more

The current version has a single text layer that renders everything.

If you want to animate the years differently from the headlines you wil have to create a new text layer and reorganize the XML file. That's all pretty advanced so I advise you to postpone that until you completely understand the current version.

michiel, 15 years ago

Hey Michie , why every time the press play show on the always appear this message: ..

BluffTitler Show 4


how do I play in blufftitler. I have downloaded right click, the file size of 1kb. Why?

I'm sorry I'm a newbie

Andrew Dziubak, 15 years ago

Why do you right click?

Simply left click and choose open.

michiel, 15 years ago

If you right click and save this file to your harddisk you can open it in BluffTitler by choosing FILE > OPEN SHOW.

But it's much easier to left click.

michiel, 15 years ago

Thank you Michie, problems have been resolved.

very nice

Andrew Dziubak, 15 years ago


Sma, 5 years ago

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Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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