michiel | 15 years ago | 12 comments | 5 likes | 6.7K views
clear, bylaw, abcodie and 2 others like this!
Here are some screenshots of new features our tech team is currently working on.
My personal favorite it the lightning layer. You attach it to the active layer, set the target layer and it renders flashes between them. You can render flashes between text, EPS, picture, model and sketch layers. In the above screenshot the target layer is the same as the parent layer, so flashes are rendered between different parts of the same layer. You can set the amount of flashes per second, the time a flash is visible, the size of the flashes, its colour and its shape (the fractal dimension). Great fun!
If you have any feature requests, please post them here!
Michiel, can't wait to be able to use these.
For info (may be of help to you); I currently have to add these with a pinnacle add-in and these have the following parameters:
Randomness - for when the strikes occur
Lens Flare:
Has a preset for direction e.g. top left to bottom right, top to bottom etc
Glow type
Ray type
Hue for the Rays
Reflection - Type & Shape as well as offset for the reflection
Regards Dave
DaveH, 15 years ago
Great Michiel!
Lightning: opacity, width, glow color, spine color, length settings (is lightning path setting/plotting- through maybe a sketch layer- asking too much?)
Model beams: soft edge/diffuse edges (like sunlight through a window)
Model Shadow (cast a negative shadow on dark background- I think this can already be done?)
Elect1, 15 years ago
A way to append shows might be useful.
A plug-in to popular NLE software might be excellent (hint: Edius)
A multiple perspective camera view may be a nice time saver when deploying elements.
Change of parameter values using the mouse wheel may be a frustration healer.
Thanks for hearing us Michiel.
alxtronics, 15 years ago
How about a "smoothing" spline for keyframes? Something that just evens out the transistion from one keyframe to the next without taking things way off course or misses the keyframe itself like the two currently available splines.
JimH, 15 years ago
Len Flare with a collision effect that bound light of a model Layer.
Yesterday, at a PC store, I saw a this eye catching screensaver with bubbles that bound off each other.
How nice if particle Layer has this collision effect.
url: ultradownloads.com.br...
bylaw, 15 years ago
Great job Michiel!!!
For me it would be useful to zoom the keyframes line, when a project is more long than 30 seconds, it's very difficult to manipulate keyframes.
BT is the better!!!
vincent, 15 years ago
Love Blufftitler and how it gets better and better. One feature I love to see is having BT making use of multi processors / core when rendering.
Keep on the good work.
Yousef, 15 years ago
Michiel - any dates in mind for the launch of the new features?
Damo, 15 years ago
A way to change speed type in shows :) (Ie, in the same show)
Per, 15 years ago
WOW!!! Can't wait. I'm using BT so much more now and with all these new features I'm gonna use it all the time.
Thank you Michiel!!
habed, 15 years ago
A plug-in to Edius would be awsome.....
Thanks for everything michiel
Big Rick, 15 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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