NextPreviousHomeZ banner animation

Filip | 4 years ago | 10 comments | 4 likes | 1.2K views

Ulli, LostBoyz, michiel and 1 other like this!

I tried to create a "Z banner Animation" something like this picture.

The .eps file is created with Bixelangelo.
In my show the diagonal is shown upside down. I tried to change the roll settings of the .eps file but I don't get it right. CAn someone help me?

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it should be great to haave such a folding on sketchs (in Bixelangelo) as shown on your link.

vincent, 4 years ago

The texture is wrapped around the sketch. For this reason it appears upside down at the other side.

I think the easiest way to correct this is by preparing a special texture. Use the 2 sliders of the TEXTURE SIZE prop of the sketch layer to set the size and aspect ratio of the picture.

The 3D sketch has been created in Bixelangelo and exported with roll info:

michiel, 4 years ago

Hi Filip.
Here's a solution, I don't know if it will suit you.
This is just a draft, and I stopped not being sure it suited you ...
Each image has a clone sketch. Then there is a writing offset on each sketch depending on the width of the picture.
Then at each turn, rotation of the picture. Please note that keyframes do not have the same position from one sketch to another.
Good luck !

Having no box for the mediafile here is the link of the show

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Thnx all. Alex a part of the solution was:"Attached layers point upwards".
But Michiel I had to read your comment very carefully and try a few times but it's almost done. I share my solutions later on.

Learned a lot!

Filip, 4 years ago

No problem, from the discussion comes the light! Anyway, the solution I submitted could certainly be used for another subject, one day or another!
By cons, I still can not follow the circuit to the banner. It stays stiff, even with "Attached layers point upwards". Something is missing.

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Solution 1
A Traced Picture layer "50.png" moving over a Sketch layer "Z banner4.eps".
I made the Z banner vissible.

The solution was:"Attached layers point upwards"

It's a simple edit in the attached zip file.

Filip, 4 years ago

Solution 2
It was quite difficult for me to follow the leads that Michiel gave. My first lesson learned: READ very carefully. Lesson 2: Look carefully to the added picture.
Lesson 3: To create a good roll and a smooth Sketch it's hard work and a lot of trial and error....maybe because my understanding of the 3d space is not very good (although I live in 3d space everyday).

But finally: It's done.
If you want I can share this show....but there's a lot to learn when you DiY!

Filip, 4 years ago

Very fair Filip, concerning solution 2, I come almost to the same point as you but I do not perfectly master 3D sketches, but it is getting better and better ...

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

Alex looks great. You get the hang of it Isee.

Filip, 4 years ago

Filip, thanks for the compliments, but there is still a lot of work to do!

Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago

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