michiel | a month ago | 38 comments | 29 likes | 2.9K views
vincent, lutin19, Tintin and 26 others like this!
Version 16.7, launched today, introduces a new font technique: stick fonts.
The video explains it all, so sit back, relax and watch the video!
The French version, created by Alex-Raymond T, can be watched here:
More info in the user guide:
The stick fonts used in the video can be downloaded from the following 2 pages:
The Princess Sofia font, on which the EMSLittlePrincess stick font is based, can be downloaded here:
To download the show files of the examples in the video, click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button below.
Some examples use textures and 3D models from BixPacks. They are not included in the download, but can be purchased here:
BixPack 43 | Robotic Arms: outerspace-software.com...
BixPack 44 | Stage Lights: outerspace-software.com...
BixPack 46 | Toby: outerspace-software.com...
Version 16.7 is a free update from version 16.0 and higher.
Thanks to all honest users for making this new version possible. Thank you for your continuing support! outerspace-software.com...
As always, the latest version can be downloaded from the download page:
Aggiornamento fantastico. Grazie
nonnogio, a month ago
Salvatore, a month ago
Sweet! Thanks for all your hard work, Michiel.
Tip: save the svg fonts where you know where they are, and open each one as needed.
Decentralized, a month ago
Stick fonts - wonderful and amazing!
Thank you very much.
JCB, a month ago
Stick fonts !!!!
Bedankt , Merci , Thanks ......👍
Linko, a month ago
Michiel, thanks a lot. Great step forward. We now can use stickfonts in our favoriete App without all the fuzz and with a load of BT optioneel.
Filip, a month ago
Will it be possible later to export the sketch to be able to modify it with Bixelangelo for example with an export option when we select the layer sketch in question. Thank you.
vincent, a month ago
Vincent, yes we could add a FILE > EXPORT AS VECTOR... menu item. It would be great when you would allow us to do that!
michiel, a month ago
Vincent, the development of BluffTitler is 100% financed by users like yourself. Thank you for your continuing support!
michiel, a month ago
Gran aportación. Muchas gracias por compartir.
JOSE LUIS, a month ago
thanks a lot,
Is there any tips & tricks for making SVG fonts for other languages that we can use in BT?
I used fontforge for making a font for my language but BT, can not load my svg font.
SamSaam, a month ago
SamSaam, BluffTitler supports stick fonts in the SVG 1.1 font format.
The fonts used in the promo have been made by Windell Oskay in Inkscape, using the Hershey Text plugin. Maybe this info can help you to create your own fonts:
michiel, a month ago
ALFA MEGA, Hershey Text is an extension for Inkscape. It does not work with BluffTitler.
But of course, the SVG files it generates can be used in BluffTitler!
michiel, 3 weeks ago
Thanks again Michiel..... another hit for sure.
SMSgtRod, 2 weeks ago
Please can you help? I have watched closely the YouTube video showing how to use stick fonts. I have used the same font, and followed the example to the letter. However, when I play back, the lines appear in jerks. What might I be doing wrongly?
Alderny, 2 weeks ago
Please look at this video to see what I mean: youtu.be...
Unfortunately, adding smoothing to the sketch layer didn't help.
Alderny, 2 weeks ago
This looks like you are animating the WRITER prop of the text and sketch layers at the same time. I think it can be fixed by only animating the WRITER prop of the sketch layer and keeping the WRITER prop of the text layer fixed.
michiel, 2 weeks ago
Thank you Michiel, that did the trick. I really appreciate your help.
Alderny, 2 weeks ago
Thanks Michiel It's a very wonderful job, that's what I've been hope for.
mohkamil, a week ago
Bravo Michiel pour ce tourbillon de nouveautés et merci à Alex - Raymond pour son tutoriel
PAT67, a week ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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Contact michiel by using the comment form on this page or at info@outerspace-software.com