michiel | 16 years ago | 6 comments | 6 likes | 8.9K views
M A S, kf_daddy, oscarelo22 and 3 others like this!
Here's a text that dissolves into thousands of small particles.
Michiel, this is perfect! Thank you so much for showing me how. It's just what I need. Thanks again.
jaymac42, 16 years ago
Michiel, now that Ive played with it a bit, I tried to make a show of my own from scratch. But (1) I cant figure out what type of particles you used in your show (I cant find a match from the list of particles that pops up when you add a layer) and (2) how do you get the particles to cover the interior of the letters, not just their border? And maybe one more: (3) is there some kind of Properties dialog available to answer question (1) above? This would be really helpful in figuring out how some of the shows in the gallery are put together. Many thanks!
jaymac42, 16 years ago
I chose one of the particle presets and adjusted it for my needs (by adjusting the properties of the particle layer)
Note that you can create your own presets with the PRESET menu. To save the particle effect of this show perform the following steps:
1) select the particle layer (layer 5)
2) set the time to 00:08
3) choose PRESET / SAVE PRESET AS...
Next time you press the ATTACH PARTICLES TO ACTIVE LAYER button you will see your own preset in the list.
And particles always cover the interior of the text. Maybe your particles were invisible because they had the same colour of the text.
michiel, 16 years ago
I like this effect.
I see that the color parameter is used to make the text disappear. That's one of those "why didn't I think of that" type effects ;-)
Is there an fx file floating around that would let you make the text disappear from top to bottom. left to right, etc ? If the gravity settings are changed you can have the particles fall down or be swept away to the left or right. It would be a nice effect if the text, or an object was to sort of melt away gradually. It would be easy to keyframe the color of the particles to match the color of the object being disintegrated.
kf_daddy, 16 years ago
By animating the transparency property and setting the flexibility property to (1,0,0) the text gradually disappears from left to right.
michiel, 16 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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