michiel | 2 years ago | 10 comments | 10 likes | 1.4K views
julio solano, Thor5ten, chaver and 7 others like this!
Here's a Python script for Blender that automates the process of creating wheel models for use in BluffTitler.
Here's how to use it:
1) Start Blender
2) Choose FILE > OPEN... and select the attached BluffTitlerWheel.blend
3) Run the script by clicking on the RUN SCRIPT button (see screenshot below)
4) Play around with the properties in the BluffTitler Wheel Tool Panel
5) Export the model as OBJ by choosing FILE > EXPORT > WAVEFRONT (.OBJ)
What do you think? Is this script useful? Is Blender a good tool for creating 3D models for use in BluffTitler?
Grazie Michele, Blender è un ottimo programma per creare modelli 3D da utilizzare in BluffTitler ma un pò macchinoso da usare. C'è molto da imparare.
nonnogio, 2 years ago
Thank you so much. I think this is brilliant and very exciting. I have downloaded Blender and am learning it slowly. These tips are extremely helpful.
Decentralized, 2 years ago
Une telle source d'imagination ou d’inspiration mérite à coup sûr des éloges , merci Michel
Such a source of imagination or inspiration certainly deserves praise, thank you Michel
PAT67, 2 years ago
J'adhère à 100% à cette grande idée ! Vous prêcher un convaincu, un petit show d'essai suit...
Et pour ceux qui sont rebutés par Blender, ce qui a été mon cas, une adresse pour apprendre facilement à manipuler ce logiciel et s'en servir en accompagnement de BT ( en français):
Pour info, je n'y ai aucun intérêt financier, mais cette formation a le mérite d'être très dicdactique et très agréable.
I agree 100% with this great idea! To preach to you a convinced, a small test show follows...
And for those who are put off by Blender, which was my case, an address to easily learn how to handle this software and use it alongside BT (in French):
For information, I have no financial interest in it, but this training has the merit of being very didactic and very pleasant.
Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago
thank you!!!
E-VAG, 2 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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Contact michiel by using the comment form on this page or at info@outerspace-software.com