michiel | 12 years ago | 37 comments | 8 likes | 10.5K views
Aricky, Kanon, M A S and 5 others like this!
When using one of the time tags like second, minute and hour make sure to switch from CENTRE to LEFT (with the 1st dropdown below the textbox) and mark the NORMALIZE NUMERALS checkbox in the F6 dialog (the MEDIA > CHANGE FONT dropdown menu) or else the numbers will jump around (jitter).
Note that this show ALWAYS renders the actual time. Also the month is written in your own language. For example when you switch from English to Portguese (by choosing SETTINGS > GENERAL OPTIONS...) April will be written as abril.
If I wanted a 5:00 minute countdown, how would I initialize the timer to 5 minutes and start counting down? Could sometime happen (like text, etc.) when the counter reached 0:00?
Dick, 12 years ago
Why don't you start a new show when the current 5 minute show ends? You can mix them in your NLE or else use BluffTiter's playlist.
michiel, 12 years ago
How do you format the countdown code?
works, but, if I try and change it in any way, the actual text displays instead of a countdown time.
Just using gives a display with thousandths of second displayed.
What if we need full seconds, or tenths of seconds?
IBMedia, 12 years ago
sorry the < countdown /> got removed
IBMedia, 12 years ago
I don't think that's possible with the current codes.
Maybe it works best when you write the documentation for the new codes that you would like to have. This way we know exactly what you want.
michiel, 12 years ago
Would it be possible to add an extra code for just seconds?
Maybe countdownsecs ?
I'm presuming that the formatting of the string is just one line of code, so that an extra conditional is pretty much it - although feature requests have a habit of expanding once you get started - I know that.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
IS there a file that can be edited to change the starting time and format of ?
Dick, 12 years ago
the countdown code?
Dick, 12 years ago
Am I right that this 'real time clock' effect is only possible by runnning a BT show file on a PC?
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
terrypin, 12 years ago
Yes. Only when played in realtime by BluffTitler the time is updated.
Exported video files keep on showing the recording time.
michiel, 12 years ago
When I use "countdown," it starts at 1 min. with min:sec:msec format. I would like to start at 5 min. with the min:sec format. I thought there might be an xml file that dictated the start time and format.
Dick, 12 years ago
Michiel - The answer to Dick's question wasn't cleared up for me. Is there a way, using the countdown code, to create a five minute countdown show, rather than one minute?
jmarkt, 12 years ago
I think that the countdown works from the beginning of the show to the end of the show, so the countdown period is determined by the length of your show.
If your show is 23 seconds long, it countdown from 23 seconds to 0
If your show is 5 minutes long, it countdown from 5 minutes to 0
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Jmarkt, You are correct in that the countdown starting value is determined by the show length -- duh, that makes sense! Thanks for the help. Now if I can find out how to eliminate the millisecond display, it would help. Also a mono-spaced font would look better in the countdown; it would stop the text jitter.
Dick, 12 years ago
THANKS, IBMedia! I get it.
jmarkt, 12 years ago
Setting kerning to "metric" helps stop much of the text jitter.
Dick, 12 years ago
Any way to drop milliseconds?
jmarkt, 12 years ago
Hi jmarkt
I asked about ability to drop milliseconds and Michiel said it's not currently possible.
I can see a lot of uses for a countdown within a show, but for feel it needs more options.
To make it more useful, there probably should be
1. Ability to format the time
2. Ability to set start point within show
3. Ability to set duration (from start point)
With those 3 features it would be great.
I know we can't get everything we ask for, but that would be nice to have.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Agree, IMBMedia, especially Points 1 and 2; however, the BT Forum has one of the most responsive groups on the web, and Michiel is VERY accomodating - guess we just get spoiled!!!
jmarkt, 12 years ago
I just realized that we do not need al those separate minute, second and millisecond codes. With the WRITER property you can cut them out the output of the time and countdown codes!
michiel, 12 years ago
Hi Michiel
I just tried that and I was able to hide the milliseconds, but my text was very jittery.
I just used the slider of the Writer property to remove the milliseconds display.
Would you be able to do a quick example show of how you expect it to be used?
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Would the jittery effect be because I wasn't using a mono-spaced font?
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Maybe you have forgotten to switch to LEFT (1st dropdown below the textbox) or else to mark the NORMALIZE NUMERALS checkbox in the font dialog (F6)
michiel, 12 years ago
Setting kerning to "metric" helps stop much of the text jitter
Dick, 12 years ago
Metric kerning only works for well designed fonts.
Normalize numerals works for all fonts.
michiel, 12 years ago
Yes, I'd forgotten the LEFT.
I'd just tried on a random show, and the text was set to centre.
Sorry for troubling you.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
I should also have said "Thanks, Michiel"
Really, this is great - I have a few ideas for using the countdown, now that I cna avoid the milliseconds - thanks AGAIN.
IBMedia, 12 years ago
Yes, thanks, Michiel for this great show. Just one more (you heard that before!) little change: it would really be nice if leading zeros could be removed as they were encountered ;)
Dick, 12 years ago
Michiel, I bet you never imaged so much feedback on your original idea!!
Dick, 12 years ago
OOPS, imaged --> imagined
Dick, 12 years ago
I've tried to save a completed show as AVI, but the floor reflection in the final product only shows as white. I've used "uncompressed", "Save w/Transparency" as well as "Save Without Transparency", but nothing takes the white out.
Any suggestions??
jmarkt, 12 years ago
A wish for the future: (1) a countdown where the format (min:sec etc.) was selectable, (2) the position could be centered on the ":" to eliminate movement as left-hand digits decrease, and (3) where the left-most zeros were not visible (i.e., in a 2 minute countdown neither the zero in "02:" nor the ones in "00:" would show) Presently, the use of writer to remove un-wanted left and right digits is problematic as the countdown proceeds and any position (left, right, center) causes some movement of the entire numeric.
I know this may not be a high priority item -- just wishing out loud in case Michiel finds himself at a loss for something to do ;)
Dick, 12 years ago
Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.
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