michiel | 11 years ago | 11 comments | 7 likes | 5.8K views

LostBoyz, persiana, Dani and 4 others like this!

This is a nice effect I saw in a shopping window: a 3D text decorated with golden rings!

I have used the letter O of Arial to create the rings.

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Hallo michiel, many thanks for this example.:))

sinus300, 11 years ago

Hello Michiel, interesting concept! Can this be turned into an effect that can be used on a template?

IntroChamp, 11 years ago

Great thought!!! is it possible in .fx...............

Dani, 11 years ago

Cool! Thank you!!:)

LostBoyz, 11 years ago

When you change the text you have to reposition all the rings by hand.

Just like you will have to do with those sweets:


michiel, 11 years ago

So to answer your question: no, this effect must be filed under non-templatable.

michiel, 11 years ago

No problem. I was just dreaming a bit :)

IntroChamp, 11 years ago

Just seen this great effect. Scrolled down hoping someone had asked how it was done - but no! So it must be obvious...

Please put me out of my misery ;-)

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 10 years ago

Every ring is a text layer (using the letter O) positioned and rotated by hand using the TEXT POSITION and TEXT ROTATION properties.

This takes a lot of time and it has to be done again from the start everytime you change the text so maybe I have to disappoint you that there's no magic button that automagically decorates your text with rings...

michiel, 10 years ago

Thanks Michiel. I guess I'll have to try it, but I can't see how the layering works? How can a ring be behind AND in front of the text?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 10 years ago

The z-buffer of your graphics card is doing the sorting:


michiel, 10 years ago

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Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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