NextPreviousHomeNew .X model importer

michiel | 10 years ago | 22 comments | 11 likes | 7.9K views

ID Production, crispin, Ilja and 8 others like this!

Since version BluffTitler has a new .X model importer:
-all models are correctly normalized (centred and scaled)
-high detailed models can now emit particles
-if the .x file does not contain normals, the normals are now correctly computed with a smoothing angle of 45 degrees (higher angles are not smoothed)
-models are optimized: they require about 5% less memory (this slightly increases loading time)
-the new .X importer no longer uses DirectX 9. This is important because the .X format is no longer supported by higher versions of DirectX
-the models tab in the CONTROl F1 dialog prints more info

I have 2 questions for you:

1) Which 3D model format would you like BluffTitler to support, next to .X?

2) Does the new .X importer work ok with all your models? If not, mail your model to and we will fix it for you!

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If you have used super detailed models in the past, make sure to read this:

michiel, 10 years ago


IntroChamp, 10 years ago

.obj and 3ds

maitegras, 10 years ago

.obj, thank you.

misterbrains, 10 years ago

obj and 3ds :))

LostBoyz, 10 years ago

According to Wikipedia, obj files do not support mesh hierarchies or any kind of animation:

michiel, 10 years ago

How about COLLADA (.dae)?

michiel, 10 years ago

DAE, OBJ, 3DS and a direct SketchUp (SKP) Import would be nice :)

So far the new import is a HUGE improvement, models that didn't load now happily seem to import just fine.

Thanks Michiel & The Team

Pixelpanther, 10 years ago

hello Michiel
my problem arises with this new version.
to open some old projects, gives me error models
(No Submodels found)
and the model is not displayed
this does not happen in all projects.
but I wonder if there is any solution

maitegras, 10 years ago

Hello Michiel

I would like BluffTitler to support these 3D model format:s,

c4d; fbx ; obj or 3ds

Great news!!!

ID Production, 10 years ago

OBJ & 3DS would open up a whole world possibilities for users not familiar with 3D rendering software simple by the amount of free models already available online.

BillyJack, 10 years ago

obj and 3ds would be great! :)

roberto666, 10 years ago

maitegras, when you e-mail your model to we will fix it for you!

michiel, 10 years ago

3DS, C4D, SKP would be great for me.

vincent, 10 years ago

... convert an eps container to 3D model would be GREAT too!!!

vincent, 10 years ago

obj and 3ds would be great for me. :-))

Ulli, 10 years ago

Confecciono mis modelos en sketchup8 y reconvierto con 3d Rad a formato X; hasta el momento he trabajado con BT los submodelos muy bien.
En cuanto a los diseños en COLLADA (.dae), es cierto que hay ocasiones en que sketcup por la complejidad del modelo, no los puede convertir en formato X, y sería muy interesante ver como BT puede trabajar con dicho formato (.dae). Muchas gracias Michiel por este gran programa y a todos los colaboradores por sus aportaciones.

crispin, 10 years ago

Trying to import a .x exported exported from Blender and I get the error 'no submodels.' too so I have sent it to the email address referenced above.


stbo, 10 years ago

STBO, I have received your .x file and found out that it indeed does not contain any submodel (you need at least 1)

My guess is that something went wrong when exporting from Blender.

Maybe this info can help:

michiel, 10 years ago

.obj is the most widely spread 3D format.

Tjeb, 10 years ago

please Michiel consider OBJ ,SKP.... even if it can't be animated ..will be a big plus....thanks so much for improving this great software

rolbus, 10 years ago

So where are we with this please ?

luxgud, 9 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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