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michiel | 15 years ago | 13 comments | 7 likes | 31.4K views

M A S, Camc, beakz and 4 others like this!

A BluffTitler version of the Universal Studios logo animation. Thanks to Luke Skywalker for the request!

The lightbeams have been implemented as a particle layer. To make sure they're only emitted from land they are attached to a picture layer using an earthmap where the oceans are transparent. The only purpose of this layer is to serve as the launching platform for the particles, so I have made it invisible by applying the Invisible.fx effect to it.

If you play this show in a version older than 7.6.2 you will notice that the lightbeam particles are not correctly emitted perpendicular to the earth surface, especially around the equator. This is fixed in version 7.6.2.

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How is the "Golden Text" layer working? It appears to be getting the text input from the "silver text" layer? That's handy if you'll be changing text and reusing the project. How's it done?

JimH, 15 years ago

Michiel...You've outdone yourself again. One of your best to date

oldman1, 15 years ago

JimH, you can attach a golden border to a text layer by pressing the ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER... button and selecting the GOLDEN ROUND BORDER preset.

I've named the layers of this show by choosing the menu item LAYER / ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES...

michiel, 15 years ago

Has 7.6.2 outgrown my computer (2 GB ram) or video card (ATI Radeon 9600)? Seems like many of the more recent shows are getting more and more jerky?? This 20 sec. show actually took 31.5 secs to play??

jmarkt, 15 years ago

The realtime performance of BT has dramatically been improved in the latest versions, so that's definitely not the problem.

The particle effect of this show (layer 7) uses an EMISSION of 4000 and a MAXIMUM AGE of 3. This means that every second 4000 new particles are created and that every new particle is visible for 3 seconds. This results in about 4000 x 3 = 12.000 visible particles. Yes, this requires lots of computing power.

You can improve realtime performance by lowering the EMISSION and MAXIMUM AGE properties.

michiel, 15 years ago

That solved it. Thanks, Michiel - great show!

jmarkt, 15 years ago

this doesnt work when i open it up in blufftitler i only see the twinkling stars. how do i fix this

Taurus1989, 15 years ago

Maybe you are using an old version. At any time you can download the latest version from the download page:

michiel, 15 years ago

thanks michiel updated my version of blufftitler

Taurus1989, 15 years ago

Thanks Michiel!

Kufeld, 15 years ago

How do you change the font size?

ATF Podcast, 4 years ago

ATF Podcast, here's how to change the font size:
1) select layer 11 (with the dropdown above the PLAY button)
2) select the FONT SIZE property (with the dropdown above the 3 sliders)
3) move the 1st slider

Here's a community article about this:

michiel, 4 years ago

BixPack 20 offers a better version of this concept:

michiel, 4 years ago

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About michiel

Michiel den Outer is the founder and lead coder of Outerspace Software. He lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

If he isn't busy improving BluffTitler, he is playing the piano or rides the Dutch dikes on his bikes.

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